Visual Arts
Services Offered
- Tailor-made paintings and murals.
- Painting and sculpture exhibitions.
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Work experience:
- Drawing, sketch and painting exhibitions at the Association of Sworn Translators for the City of Buenos Aires, the LIF Theatre, the LIF Trade Union, the Banco Provincia of Avellaneda and the Hebraica Club (2018- 2004).
- Interview on my painting exhibitions in a radio program (March, 2005). (see the news section).
- Interview on my artistic activities for the Villa Crespo neighborhood journal (July, 2005)- Publication of the journal (December 2005).
- Full-day painting workshops with Alejandro Costas: 2010
- Courses of drawing and painting in the Asociación Estímulo Bellas Artes [Association for the Incentive of Fine Arts]: 2009/1983
- Drawing courses with Eduardo Gualdoni: 2000
- Art courses at the Friends’ Association of the National Museum of Fine Arts (1997): Poster Design in Europe (Art Nouveau) /How to look at and see Sculpture/ Eastern and Precolombian Cultures (Egypt and America) /How to look at and see Architecture.
- Free-hand sketch, perspective and painting course at Silvia Alvarez’ atelier (1993-1991).
- Creativity course (1991)/ Carlos Churba.
- Pottery, engraving and glasswork course at Putzi Siniavsky’s atelier: 1980-1977
- Pottery courses: 1973-1971
- Classical dance teacher: 1984-1970: 1984-1970
ARCHITECT, graduated at the UBA in 1992 (1992-1984)
1. VISUAL ARTIST: a. painting exhibitions in the Association of Sworn Translators for the City of Buenos Aires (CTPCBA, by its acronym in Spanish) in the “Traduarte” exhibitions, the LIF Theatre, the LIF Union, the Hebraica Club in Sarmiento St., Banco Provincia of Avellaneda, Alianza Francesa in Olivos, Jesus P. Martinez School (2018-2014-2012-2010-2009-2005-2004-1998-1970).
b. Drawing, sketching and painting with live models: summer course 2012.
c. Drawing, sketching and painting with live models: 1st term 2012.
d. Drawing, sketching and painting with live models: 2nd term 2012.
e. Full- day painting workshops at Alejandro Costas’ atelier (2010-2012-2013-2014).